Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sports/ and overview of November

WOW! Life has been busy these days and I am becoming run down.
I have my first offical Track & Field practice tonight and I'm nervous but excited and I get to order track clothing!!
Volleyball has been busy to and we are wrapping up our season on Nov.12 we are having our playoffs and if we come in 2nd, then we can move onto districts later in Novemvber.

To make the winter months go by I joined a curling league this year in Balgonie that has been going good so far and I am having a good time. I am also going to Banff, Alberta to go skiing and see the amazing mountains!! I am going there with my cousins and we are staying for a week to go around Banff, Lake Louise and a few other ski resorts. I love skiing and have fantasic twin tip skis!

Our first school is dance is on November 12th and I am now a supervisor/leader for our SADD committe at our school which stands for Students Againest Drinking and Driving I am with leader with Randi as well.

Thanks for reading
PS my favourite name in the whole wide world right now is Sebastian
